Are you being evicted? Being evicted is scary. Being evicted can create significant problems and there are lots of unknowns. Where will you move? Will you be able to find a new place to live with an eviction on your credit report? Will your landlord sue you for unpaid rent? Once you have an eviction on your credit report, future landlords can see it and this may prevent you from renting apartments or houses.
But you have options. You don’t have to simply let your landlord kick you out on the streets. Filing bankruptcy will stop the eviction, and delay it for a significant amount of time, giving you the time you need to find other living arrangements or to work out an agreement with your landlord and stay in the property.
Bankruptcy will also wipe out liability for debts resulting from the broken lease. You can prevent your landlord from suing you for missed rents and if you are already being sued you can stop the lawsuit. You can also prevent a judgment from being placed on your credit report, so that you aren’t burdened with an eviction judgment when you apply for other places to live.